31 - 59 of 59 Search results
Marc S. Krieger
Senior Vice President
+1 973 753 1067 New Jersey Sales & Leasing
Alex Kwartler
Principal, Senior Director, Tri-State Operations
+1 973 753 1061 Fairfield-Westchester, New Jersey, New York Operations & Administrative
Chris Marcinek
Project Coordinator
+1 973 898 4015 New Jersey Project Management
Samantha Martinez
Project Coordinator
+1 973 898 4011 New Jersey Project Management
Paul Mastroeni
Director, Project Management
+1 973 898 4019 New Jersey Project Management
Kelly McAdams, LEED AP ID+C, NCIDQ
Senior Project Manager
+1 973 753 1049 New Jersey Project Management
Shannon McBride
Vice President of Real Estate Management Services
+1 973 753 1072 New Jersey Property Management
William E. McCaffrey
+1 973 753 1102 New Jersey Sales & Leasing
Chris Megnin
Senior Project Manager, Land Development Services
New Jersey Project Management, Land and Development
Larry Nardecchia
Project Manager
+1 201 304 8585 New Jersey Project Management
Dana Ongsiako
Executive Assistant
+1 973 753 1101 New Jersey Occupier Services
Alyssa Pardi
Portfolio Manager
+1 973 753 1066 New Jersey Property Management
Purva Patel
Project Accountant
+1 973 753 1075 New Jersey Construction Management, Project Management
Drew Persson
973-753-1107 New Jersey Landlord Representation, Sales & Leasing, Tenant Representation, Global Client Services
Alex Petronijevic
Senior Site Supervisor
+1 973 921 1500 New Jersey
Anthony Shashaty
Project Manager
+1 973 898 6374 New Jersey Project Management
David Sherman
+1 201 306 4440 Fairfield-Westchester, New Jersey Consulting & Advisory, Office Leasing, Tenant Representation, Logistics
Stephen Silverstein
Principal and Managing Director, US Studio Project and Construction Management
+1 201 819 6819 New Jersey Construction Management, Project Management
Jay Singer
Senior Project Manager
+1 973 753 1063 New Jersey Project Management
Eli Slutsky
CRM Specialist, Sales Enablement
954-734-4364 Boston, Fairfield-Westchester, Hartford, Long Island, New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, New York Telecommunications & Technology
Eric Stone
Principal, Managing Director
+1 973 753 1096 New Jersey Property Management
George Triola
Graphic Designer
+1 973 753 1087 New Jersey Marketing
Judy Troiano
Vice President, Industrial Transaction Management
+1 973 753 1065 New Jersey Industrial, Sales & Leasing, Logistics, Industrial Leasing
Matthew C. Turse
+1 973 898 6370 New Jersey Industrial, Sales & Leasing, Logistics, Industrial Leasing
Tatiane Ubagai
973 898 6361 New Jersey, New Jersey Sales & Leasing
Brian Veneri
Associate Director, Land Development Services
+1 973 753 1091 New Jersey Project Management, Land and Development
Sheryl Waldorf
Operations Manager
+1 973 753 1084 New Jersey Operations & Administrative
Carol Wielgus
Administrative Coordinator
+1 973 753 1069 New Jersey Property Management
Adam Wright
Principal & Director, Land Development Services
New Jersey Project Management, Land and Development