Mondays take center stage in U.S. office busyness surge

graph of office utilization on Mondays in the top five U.S. markets and industries
  • Midway through 2024, offices are proving to be much busier on Mondays than they were a year ago—especially in certain U.S. markets. The San Francisco Peninsula and Silicon Valley, for example, recorded over 50% more activity on the first day of the work week in June 2024 compared to June 2023.
  • Across the U.S., industries like law firms and banking, finance, insurance, & real estate are experiencing a significant surge in busyness on Mondays in June 2024 compared to the same time in 2023—at +39.9% and +37.7%, respectively.
  • Exploring work patterns on other weekdays will uncover whether hybrid employees are spending more time in the office than they did last year or if they’re simply choosing to frontload their work weeks.

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