Los Angeles leading the way in “Office Busyness”

Los Angeles Leading the Way in “Office Busyness”

Los Angeles Leading the Way in “Office Busyness”
  • Since 2019, office utilization has steadily increased over time. Los Angeles stands out among major metropolitan markets such as San Francisco and Philadelphia, boasting an impressive busyness rate of 63%, well above the national average. Avison Young’s innovative “Office Busyness Index” tool tracks return-to-office trends using anonymized mobility data, providing a comprehensive view of office utilization across various U.S. properties.
  • In Los Angeles, office activity has grown consistently by 12% annually since the start of 2021. If this trend continues, reaching 95% of pre-COVID levels could be achievable within 40 months. The anticipated return of regular daily commutes to office locations, coupled with the gradual reduction of hybrid work arrangements, will likely accelerate this upward trajectory.
  • Since mid-2023, companies including Ubisoft, IBM, Meta, and Rockstar have transitioned away from hybrid work models and resumed in-office operations. As companies increasingly enforce return-to-office mandates to boost employee collaboration, hybrid work policies requiring 3-4 days of in-office attendance have gained momentum.

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