Fairfield County office users favor going into the office early in the week

Office Busyness by day


  • As of June 2024, Fairfield County office buildings are 43.8% busier on Mondays compared to this time last year. Tuesdays and Wednesdays have also seen increased activity, up by 23.5% and 4.7% from 2023, respectively. However, Thursdays and Fridays show a decrease from 2023, indicating a preference among employees for early-week office attendance.


  • Although Fairfield County offices are generally busier now than in 2023, they have not yet returned to pre-Covid levels. Tuesdays have shown the most recovery since the pandemic, operating at 81.4% of their 2019 activity levels.


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US-CT-FLDWCH Fairfield / Westchester