Viewpoints | Spring 2024


The ever-evolving dynamic of the places we work.
W E L C O M E   T O 
Viewpoints Spring 2024

by Avison Young


You know, office workers must be among the most resilient creatures in the world. How we work, when we work, where we work, and even how we get to work has shifted so much over the course of just a few short years. But there’s nothing quite like the experience you get in an office, and being the curious people we are – we can’t stop exploring exactly what all this change means for people who lease, manage, and buy real estate. Well – what this means for you.

Welcome to Viewpoints – our take on the hottest topics in commercial real estate. This time, we dive into the workscapes of today. Authored by leading experts, who share their unique perspectives on how to make the everyday office experience, an extraordinary one.

If you love this, subscribe for more! Or if you are ready to dive deeper, our brokers and advisors are ready to talk to you about creating a vibrant workscape that can fuel performance for your people and your business. 

Harry Klaff
President, Avison Young U.S.


A little flexibility outside of traditional leases is offering owners and landlords new options to fill vacant space. Creative deals that help both parties differentiate? It’s a win-win.


One in seven people worldwide identify as neurodivergent. Design workplaces that meet the needs of these individuals, helping them decrease stimulation and achieve critical respite throughout the day.


While the rock climbing wall, zen garden or virtual reality fitness studio of a class A building may be most enticing for some, an increasing amount of companies are simply looking for which landlords have the least amount of debt right now.


Commuter preferences are changing. The ability to work from home completely or part-time has more Americans thinking differently about where they live. While many now wish to live as close to the office as possible, “super commuters” are also on the rise.

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