9403 Riverview Dr
Saint Louis, Missouri
- Property Type Land - Industrial
- Size (Ac) 39.46
- Price $3,690,000
±40 Acres Available for Redevelopment
±39.46 Acres For Sale: A former cement manufacturing facility, the portfolio features ±39.46 acres on three parcels. There are several structures on each parcel. Most recently, the portfolio was being transformed to Cement Land, a proposed outdoor public art exhibit.
Attractive Zoning: Both 9403 and 9451 Riverview Dr are located in the City of St. Louis with zoning code “K” which allows for unrestricted purposes; this zoning code allows for a variety of commercial uses. 520 Scranton Ave is located in St. Louis County in the City of Riverview with an industrial land use of “cement manufacturing.”
Economic Incentives: The portfolio partially lies in two designated economic incentive zones. 9403 and 9451 Riverview Dr (±19.42 acres) are within the boundaries of both an Enhanced Enterprise Zone and Opportunity Zone. 520 Scranton Ave (±20.04 acres) is not designated with either economic incentive. The Enhanced Enterprise Zone offers abatement related to job creation and capital investment. Designated by the IRS, the property is also in an Opportunity Zone which provides preferential tax benefits.