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Avison Young named real estate service provider on Fujitsu’s Northwest Europe framework

Avison Young named real estate service provider on Fujitsu’s Northwest Europe framework July 4, 2022

Strategic real estate advisor will act as long-term partner, supporting the ongoing evolution of Fujitsu’s workplace portfolio.

Avison Young has been awarded a prestigious cross-border mandate from world-leading information technology provider, Fujitsu, to deliver property transactional and advisory services across nine countries in Northwest Europe.

Commencing early July 2022, Avison Young will be supporting the ongoing evolution of Fujitsu’s European office network, providing a breadth of multidisciplinary services for a portfolio currently encompassing 48 properties.

Powered by a network of global and regional real estate experts and underpinned by an integrated data-led approach via AVANT, Avison Young’s proprietary digital market intelligence and research platform, the firm will seek to create additional value for Fujitsu’s offices, ensuring workspaces are future-proofed and support the company’s inherent innovative spirit.

James Porter, Principal and Managing Director Occupier Solutions at Avison Young, said:
“Against the backdrop of businesses looking to balance employee satisfaction, productivity, ESG-considerations, and technology advancement with hybrid working, Fujitsu is taking a forward-thinking approach to its workplace strategy, examining how its spaces can deliver on all fronts. This holistic, people-centric thinking is exactly the kind of approach Avison Young has been championing with multi-national clients in response to accelerating office trends over recent years and it’s a pleasure to be so closely aligned on this common goal with Fujitsu.

Beyond our in-depth workplace expertise and digital-powered insights, our Principal-led structure provides accountability and ownership to ensure an empowered partnership with our clients, and we look forward to becoming a trusted, long-term advisor on this framework.”

Olly Dickinson, Head of Property & Workplace, Fujitsu NWE, added:
“In appointing an advisor to our cross-border framework, we were looking for a long-term partner that we can trust to deliver a consistent level of exceptional service across a range of markets. Having previously worked with Avison Young in the UK already, this is an exciting opportunity to deepen that relationship.”

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