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Edmonton Office Market (Q4 2020)

January 11, 2021

With the second wave of COVID-19 hitting Alberta in the final quarter of the year, we experienced the holidays under very different circumstances than in past years

With the second wave of COVID-19 hitting Alberta in the final quarter of the year, we experienced the holidays under very different circumstances than in past years as a state of public health emergency was declared on November 24th by the Provincial Government. This notion of disruption to the norm has been prevalent since March, bringing with it innovation and change amongst the business community. The initial wave brought on the adoption of remote working and video conferencing, but once groups acclimatized to the new normal, discussions began to revolve around what needed to happen today to be successful in the future. Developing an online presence and the role office space would play for companies that fully embraced remote working as an option are some of the most notable topics.

Read the Edmonton Office Report (Q4 2020)

Quick Stats

Overall Office Vacancy

Total Downtown Vacancy Rate

Total Suburban Vacancy Rate

-121,632 sf
Downtown Absorption

-148,528 sf
Suburban Absorption

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Read the Edmonton Office Report (Q4 2020)