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Technical team supported purchase transaction of two office properties

July 17, 2019

M7 Real Estate acquired two office properties, Cristal Park and Mokotów Plaza, both located in Warsaw. Avison Young technical team prepared Technical Due Diligence reports of both of the properties and provided technical advisory to the new owner.

M7 Real Estate on behalf of its M7 POLAF Fund acquired two office properties, Cristal Park and Mokotów Plaza, both located in Warsaw. The buildings were disposed by Azora Europa.

Cristal Park offers ca. 10,300 sqm of office space. This modern in look office complex was created by JEMS Architekci and delivered in 2009. Currently it is fully let to Gaz-System and Barentz.

Mokotów Plaza, the bigger one, offers ca. 15,500 sqm of office space. Among main tenants there are Securitas, KCR and BTS Studios.

Avison Young technical team prepared Technical Due Diligence reports of both of the properties and provided technical advisory to the new owner.