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We use cookies and other tracking technologies to gather and disclose to third parties information about your interactions with our website. We do not “sell” your personal information for money, but our disclosure of information using cookies and other tracking technologies may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information as those terms are defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act. You may opt out of these disclosures by clicking "Decline" in the dialog that appears when you click the 'Cookie Settings' button immediately below this paragraph, or the 'Cookie Settings' link in the footer of this site.
Please note that because your opt-out is completed at the browser level, you will need to enable the toggle switch on each browser and each device you use and on each Avison Young website you visit, and will need to enable the toggle switch again if you delete cookies.
For more information on our use of cookies and other tracking technologies and our privacy practices, please review our Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice.